Explore Safely In The Land of Waterfalls
With 250 waterfalls and the title “Land of Waterfalls” we feel it is our duty to alert visitors of the danger waterfalls present and provide important tips on how they can safety enjoy these wonders of nature. Our Be Waterfall Wise campaign began in 2017, in partnership with public land managers, emergency services, health officials, and others. Please take the below tips to heart and help spread the word to others.
BE Waterfall Wise
Every year, serious injuries and deaths occur around waterfalls. Admire the beauty. Be aware of the danger.
Please follow the safety tips below and share this important waterfall safety knowledge with others.

OBSERVE all posted signs leading to waterfall areas.
OBSERVE todas las señales que conducen a la zona de cascada.

STAY on marked trails and observation areas.
PERMANEZCA en los caminos marcados y las zonas de observación.

DO NOT jump off of waterfalls or dive into pools.
NO salte de las cascadas ni se sumerja en las piscinas.

DO NOT climb on rocks above waist height.
NO escale las rocas que sean más altas que su cintura.

DO NOT swim or wade upstream near a waterfall.
NO nade ni se sumerja río arriba cerca de una cascada.

WATCH for slick rocks around waterfalls.
CUIDADO con las rocas resbaladizas alrededor de las cascadas.

WATCH your children and pets at all times.
VIGILE a sus hijos/as y mascotas todo el tiempo.

Spread the Word
You’ll find these helpful posters throughout Transylvania County. If you are interested in promoting waterfall safety by displaying a poster at your place of business, please contact Virginia here.

Explore More
Learn more about our other important messaging campaign, Leave It Better, as well as our natural resource stewardship program, Transylvania Always.