Occupancy Tax Info

Are You Paying Occupancy Tax on Your Rental Accommodations?

If you rent out your home or vacation property the State of North Carolina and Transylvania County law requires you to collect occupancy tax from your guests. You are only exempt if the below circumstances apply:

This occupancy tax is in addition to state and local sales tax and is based on gross room sales.

Occupancy Tax Law: North Carolina G.S. 105-164.4(a)(3) (made applicable to occupancy taxes by G.S. 153A-155 and G.S. 160A-215).

Who do I need to speak with about NC Sales Tax?

You can contact the NC Department of Revenue at 1-877-252-3052 or www.dornc.com.

What if I do not know how long my home will be rented or if it will be rented for a period of time that mandates I pay occupancy tax?

You should set up an account to remit. If total days rented for the year are less than 15 or if an individual guest stays longer than 89 consecutive days, the remitter may seek a refund from Transylvania County Finance Department.

Should individual owners who rent their properties via on-line services such as AirBnB and VRBO be collecting and remitting occupancy taxes?

Yes. If a property owner rents out an accommodation for 15 or more days per year, then that owner should be collecting occupancy taxes from the tenants and remitting that tax to Transylvania County.  It matters not whether the owner rents the property without assistance, contracts with a local rental agency, or uses an online rental service.

Note: Airbnb remits tax on your behalf to the County. With VRBO and other services, you will need to set up a finance account (see below).

Are rentals of campsites or RV sites that provide power and/or water subject to occupancy taxes?

No.  The tax covers only the rental of “accommodations,” defined by G.S. 105-164.4(a)(3) as “a hotel room, a motel room, a residence, a cottage or similar lodging facility.”  This definition suggests the rental must provide some type of structure in which the renter may lodge for the night.

Basic campsites, RV sites, and boat slips do not provide lodging structures as part of the rental, so the tax should not apply. The tax would apply to the rental of a campsite that included a tent or other lodging structure or to the rental of a houseboat.

Do non-profits or corporations have to pay occupancy taxes?


What if someone stays more than 90 days in a rental property?

With many extended rentals, the full length of the rental period may not be known until after the rental ends, in which case a refund may need to be provided.

Consider a family that rents a mountain house for two summer months, June and July.  The owner of that property must collect and remit taxes on that rental. If the family decides to extend the rental thru the end of August that rental would now be greater than 89 continuous days.  The owner of the property would not need to collect taxes for the August rent and may seek a refund of the taxes paid on the rental for June and July.

The refund check should be sent to the owner, who should then return it to the tenant.  But it is not the job of the taxing unit to make sure the owner does so; that would be a private dispute between owner and tenant in which the taxing authority should not get involved.

Why is Occupancy Tax Important to Collect?

The tax paid by visitors helps fund advertising and promotion of Transylvania County to potential travelers, as well as other important tourism initiatives. Through the collection of these occupancy taxes, we are able to position the county as a premier tourist destination, supporting our many tourism-related businesses. The tax is not paid by accommodations. They simply collect it, serving as a pass-through for the visitor remitting the tax.

How To Register/Set Up an Account

All occupancy tax collecting properties are required to register with the county.  Click here to do so.

Failing to register, file & pay the occupancy tax will result in penalties, which mirror NC sales & use tax as stated in General Statute 105-236, including:

When is Occupancy Tax due?

Occupancy Tax remittance and forms must be delivered in person or postmarked on or before the 20th of every month for the previous month of sales. For example, Occupancy Tax for the month of July (1st-31st) is due on or before August 20th. If the 20th falls on a weekend, the due date will be the following Monday.

If the due date falls on a legal holiday, the return and payment are due on the following business day.

What are the accepted payment methods?

Currently, payments are accepted in the form of checks or money orders physically delivered or mailed to the Transylvania County Tax Administration Office; cash may be accepted in person. Occupancy Tax remittance may also now be submitted and paid online as long as there is a tax amount due. A link for online payment is available on the Tax Administration page of the Transylvania County website (www.transylvaniacounty.org). You must have an account established at the Tax Administration office to file online (an account is created once we have received your first Occupancy Tax remittance form).  A zero balance remittance cannot be submitted online.

Please note the following:

  • A tax report must be filed for each calendar month.
  • If you owe no tax for the month, file the report and show “no tax due.”
  • You may submit tax reports (showing “no tax due”) for each month you will be closed ahead of closing for an extended period of time.
  • Return the report with your check, made payable to Transylvania County.
  • Mail your reports to the Transylvania County Tax Administration 20 E Morgan St. Ste 1, Brevard, NC 28712.

Who do I contact with questions?

Transylvania County Finance Office

Shasta Moretz, Asst. Tax Administrator or

Carolyn Leopard, Tax Assistant



(828) 884-3200 or (828) 884-3197

20 E Morgan St. Ste 1
Brevard, NC 28712

Who do I contact to get listed in the Adventure Guide and on explorebrevard.com?

Transylvania County Tourism Development Authority

Virginia Watkins


(828) 884-8900

175 East Main Street
Brevard, NC 28712