7 Easy Ways to be Waterfall Wise

As beautiful as our waterfalls are, they also represent hidden dangers. Every year, there are serious injuries and yes, sometimes even fatalities, experienced at our waterfalls. When visiting North Carolina’s Land of Waterfalls, enjoy our beautiful waterfalls, but remember they can be dangerous. Take personal responsibility and don’t take unnecessary risks. Put safety before selfies and follow our recommended safety tips to “Be Waterfall Wise”. If you do this, you will have a great time with awesome memories to share with all your friends and family.

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Using these safety tips and other educational efforts, the Transylvania County Tourism Development Authority works to raise awareness about the dangers of waterfalls through our sustainability committee, Transylvania Always and its “Be Waterfall Wise” program. You’ll also find helpful information, including a short educational video on our “Be Waterfall Wise” page.

Since 2016, we’ve been working with key partners including forest managers and supervisors at Pisgah National Forest, Gorges State Park, DuPont State Recreational Forest, Transylvania County EMS, Local Fire and Rescue workers/volunteers, Mission Health, and Local Law Enforcement to educate visitors about safe behavior around waterfalls. As a result, serious injuries and fatalities have declined. But even one incident is too many.

We also invite you to find out more about another important Transylvania Always initiative, “Leave It Better.” Inspired by the principles introduced by the Leave No Trace Center for Outdoor Ethics, “Leave It Better” promotes six key principles that can help you be a responsible forest visitor. Learn more about “Leave It Better” and our very own forest steward –Trashsquatch – here.