Public Use Photos
The Transylvania County Tourism Development Authority (TCTDA) directly owns or has licensed use of all images used in its promotion of Transylvania County unless otherwise stated. The TCTDA allows the use of certain photos by local tourism partners for the purposes of promoting tourism in Transylvania County. Low-resolution images can be found below. To receive a usable high-resolution image, email mollie.gordon@transylvaniacounty.org indicating the image(s) you would like, the purpose, and the name of your organization.
The TCTDA may also grant non-commercial use of additional images based on the following parameters:
- Use is not commercial, meaning that it is either used by a nonprofit organization or for non-commercial purposes by a for-profit business. Examples of the latter would be photography in conjunction with editorial content or use within a slideshow not shared publicly.
- The photograph must not be in current regular use by the TCTDA.
- Only a limited number of photos may be provided (maximum of five). The intent is to complement existing photography, not supply a full suite of images.
- Permission is for the single use as defined when granted and may not be used for additional purposes. Any desired future use must be communicated to the TCTDA as a new request.
- Any rights granted for photo use are non-transferable and not sublicensable.
- Photo credit of “Courtesy of Explore Brevard” must be included with any use.
If you have a request meeting these parameters, email mollie.gordon@transylvaniacounty.org indicating the image(s) you would like, the purpose, and the name of your organization.
Members of the media are encouraged to contact the TCTDA directly at (828) 884-8900 regarding any assistance, including photography. Ask for Executive Director Clark Lovelace or Marketing & Communications Specialist Mollie Gordon.