Национальный лес Писга
Национальный лес Писга (Pisgah National Forest) площадью более 500 000 акров идеально подходит для любого отдыха на природе. Исследуйте живописные туристические тропы, потрясающие водопады и разнообразную дикую природу. Наслаждайтесь рыбалкой, катанием на горных велосипедах, кемпингом и многим другим в этом захватывающем дух пейзаже Аппалачей.
Скала Зазеркалья
Looking Glass Rock, a prominent granite monolith in Pisgah National Forest, is a popular spot for rock climbing and hiking. Its challenging routes and stunning views of the Blue Ridge Mountains make it a must-visit for outdoor enthusiasts.
Государственный лес Хэдвотерс
Headwaters State Forest, covering over 7,000 acres, offers rugged wilderness and scenic beauty. With challenging hiking trails, serene streams, and abundant wildlife, it’s a perfect destination for those seeking outdoor adventure in a remote setting.
Государственный парк Ущелья
Gorges State Park spans 1,500 acres of rugged terrain, featuring stunning waterfalls, deep gorges, and diverse wildlife. With hiking trails, fishing, and camping opportunities, it’s a prime destination for outdoor adventure and nature exploration in Western North Carolina.
Государственный рекреационный лес Дюпон
DuPont State Recreational Forest, spanning 10,000 acres, offers scenic trails, stunning waterfalls, and diverse wildlife. Popular for hiking, mountain biking, and horseback riding, it’s a top destination for outdoor adventure just outside of Brevard.
Заповедник Брекен Маунтин
Bracken Mountain Preserve, just minutes from downtown Brevard, offers 400 acres of rugged terrain, scenic views, and miles of hiking and mountain biking trails. It’s the perfect outdoor escape with easy access to the city.
Парк Блю Ридж
The Blue Ridge Parkway stretches 469 miles through the Appalachian Mountains, offering breathtaking views, scenic overlooks, and diverse wildlife. Known for hiking, biking, and photo ops, it’s a must-see for nature lovers and outdoor adventurers.