Водопад Дэниел Ридж
Easy Hike, 1 mile round trip. Whatever you call it, there’s no denying the sheer size of this waterfall, standing at a whopping 150 ft. tall.
Водопад Коув-Крик
Moderate Hike, 2 miles round trip. Cove Creek Falls tumbles and slides in scenic fashion over several rocks and stands tall at an impressive 50 ft.
Водопад Бридал Вейл
Strenuous Hike, 4.5 miles round-trip. Featured in several popular movies, Bridal Veil Falls is the first cascade on the Little River, and it is a beautiful sight.
Batson Creek Falls & Connestee Falls
Парк и вид. Посмотрите на эти водопады со смотровой площадки у входа в Connestee Realty. Ручей Бэтсон и водопад Коннести защищены природоохранным сервитутом.
Rockbrook Camp
Rockbrook is a fun-filled sleepaway camp for girls. It provides a program of horseback riding, outdoor adventure activities, whitewater rafting, ceramics, crafts, and many other activities. Girls ages 6-16 attend for 2-, 3- or 4-week sessions.