UPDATE: Due to current weather conditions, please check with the event website directly to confirm that this event is still taking place on Saturday. A decision will be made in response to the weather conditions on Friday, Sept. 27th. Thank you!


National Public Lands Day (NPLD) is the nation’s largest single-day volunteer event for public lands. NPLD is also a “Fee-Free Day”—one of only five days a year when entrance fees are waived at national parks and other public lands. Because of this everyone can enjoy the Cradle of Forestry for FREE on September 28, 2024!

Additionally, the Cradle will host a special book signing with the author of “MOON TREE: The Story of One Extraordinary Tree,” Carolyn Bennett Fraiser from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m., with a book reading to immediately follow.

Come explore our exhibit hall, film, and over 3 miles of paved hiking trails featuring seven historical buildings from the time of the first forestry school in America, the Biltmore Forest School.

Remaining fee free days for the 2024 season: September 24, September 28, October 22


28 сентября 2024 года


10:00 AM - 5:00 PM

