How the TCTDA Board is Structured and Appointed

There are nine board positions. Three are appointments representing local government (Transylvania County, City of Brevard, Town of Rosman). These are typically elected officials. While these are three-year terms, it is understood that the elected bodies may need to adjust the representative within the term based on election cycles and/or their annual process of determining assignments for the many committees and boards on which they serve.

The remaining six positions are members of the public who are appointed by the Transylvania County Board of Commissioners. Two are reserved for accommodation owners/operators. Two are for citizens interested in tourism and cannot be filled by accommodation owners/operators. Two are members-at-large and may be filled by either accommodation owners/operators or individuals interested in tourism. These positions all have three-year terms. Individuals may serve two consecutive terms.

When there is an opening for one of the public positions, the TCTDA Board of Directors considers all applications on file with Transylvania County and makes a recommendation to the commissioners. Members of the public may complete an application at any time. It is recommended that individuals submit an application by September 15 to be considered for board positions for the following year. Descriptions of all Transylvania County Advisory Boards, including the TCTDA, can be found here. There is a button to apply at the top right of the screen.

If you are interested in learning more about current openings or have any questions about serving on the TCTDA board or one of its committees, contact Executive Director Clark Lovelace at 828-884-8900 or