7 Tips For Savvy Camp Counselors
Being a summer camp counselor in Transylvania County might just be the best gig around for high school and college students. But even counselors need a break from time to time. Here are tips we’ve gleaned from seasoned counselors on how to take best advantage of time off in the Land of Waterfalls.

Channel your inner artist.
Summer camp is all about the outdoors. But if you need an art fix, proceed directly to the Transylvania Community Arts Council (TCARTS) website. Here you can discover every studio, gallery and crafts workplace in the county. Whether you’re interested in a pottery lesson from Mud Dabbers or want to peruse the amazing art collection at Haen Gallery, Red Wolf Gallery or Number 7 Arts, this is a great resource.

Get connected (and caffeinated).
There are lots of places where you can find a comfortable spot, a reliable internet connection and, in many cases, a good cup of Joe. For starters, consider Quotations Coffee Shop, Appalachian Coffee Company, Canto 34, Bracken Mountain Bakery, Blue Ridge Bakery, or the Transylvania County Public Library.

Cool off.
AC is a rare commodity at summer camps. Don’t sweat it. Brevard has a ton of great places where you can beat the heat — while you’re having a good time. Consider the Rockin’ Bowl, where you can channel your inner Big Lebowski on 18 lanes of waxed wood wonderfulness. The Co-Ed Theatre is another sure bet for chilling out while watching first run flicks. While not technically “air conditioned,” the pool at Franklin Park is a great place to cool down, and it only costs $2.

Explore the local food scene.
There are lots of locally owned restaurants with good food and counselor-friendly prices. They include places like El Ranchero, Sunrise Cafe, Smokey Sunrise, and Morning Social, just to name a few. You can almost always find tasty inexpensive eats from the food trucks at The Hub and Oskar Blues, where there’s often live music as well. Check out my full restaurant list here.
If you’re interested in a special treat, head up to the Pisgah Inn on the Blue Ridge Parkway, where you can take in the views while dining on native trout and other tasty traditional mountain fare.

This is a day-by-day calendar of everything happening in Transylvania County. It’s available all over town and a great way to see all the special events and happenings that are taking place on your days off. There’s also a list of all the places in the area that offer live music.

Purchase the Pisgah and DuPont Trail Maps.
Whether you like to hike, bike, camp, climb or paddle during your off time, Pisgah Map Co maps are all you need to get out there and start exploring the 80,000 acres of outdoor awesomeness that is Transylvania County. Locally produced by mapmaker Pete Kennedy, these maps are renowned for both their accuracy and their comprehensiveness. Use your discount card to purchase them at many local retailers, including The Hub, Sycamore Cycles, Squatch Bikes and DD Bullwinkles, just to name a few.

Get your hands on a Brevard Discount Card.
With this card, you can enjoy substantial discounts from 20 area merchants all around Brevard and Transylvania County. Pick yours up at the Brevard/Transylvania County Visitor Center.